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Friday, January 20, 2012

A New Year....

For some reason I feel that the new year just started ummmm...Monday.  Not 20 days ago.  Maybe that is because several things in the first few weeks of January make me want to say ... that was last year, not going to dwell on it...gonna move on with a fresh start.  Yes, my family started the year with some difficult and trying times.  January 5th I stayed home with a sick little boy.  This is not something that happens very often at our house thankfully.  My kids very rarely are sick and when they are usually doesn't last but a day or two.  Early that morning my parents were woken up by the sheriff telling them that the Pallet Shop was on fire.  $40,000 in damage, thankfully, my dad believes that insurance will cover most of it.  Then that evening we said good bye to a wonderful wonderful woman, my Grandma Audine. 
Mary Audine Groom
My grandma was an amazing woman.  I'm not going to spend too much time on this right now because I don't feel like crying right now and because I believe that she deserves her own blog later on, which I am still working on.  But overall my grandma was Love.  She was loved by others and she loved others. 

A few days ago I did find out...after my fresh New Year start that my best friends Josh and Natasha are moving back to Kansas!  I am super excited about this because seeing them once or twice a year simply is not enough for me lol!  So I'm so excited to get to start seeing them a bit more....I posted a few months ago that they have a new baby, my nephew Lucas and promised some pics.  Here are Josh and Tash's adorable kids ... Zoey (2) and Lucas (3 mo)

 Are they not just about the most adorable things you have ever seen????  I love them soooo much and cannot wait to see them soon I hope!

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend.  I apologize for my kind of crazy blog today but felt like I needed to get something on here.

<3 If there ever comes a day when we cannot be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. - Winnie the Pooh